Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mid-day Ramadan

No amorous couplets, no bare legged chicks, no smokers in empty smoking compartments, unoccupied coffee shops--the one inside marina is presenting a deserted look...

Double bass woofers reciting Kuranic verses in doxological hymns instead of jazz music.Drowsy afternoon is melting sluggishly and sun over my head is looking thirsty aswell...
The juiceless twinkling sand on the beach has kept herself away from the brine..hmmm she is fasting too!
A complete religious devotion of this mid-day afternoon.
flare will return back in the evening with bistro's coming to life, coffee shops packed in.
Rotisserie furnaces will be set to cookfire and that mouthwatering alluring aroma of cookery leaves everyone seduced..


Unknown said...

As-salam alaikum
Hello, this is Abdul Latif...well, got ur reference from Hema Singh (hindu_lesbian@yahoo.com) while chatting with her about lesbianism one fine evening from Dubai
I wanted to convince her that what she wants to be is unnatural and i posed as a woman named Alia and told her to feel womanhood and pain of love and pleasure of givin birth
As the talk turned lanes, we ventured into religion's stronghold and she had a volley of questions concerning islam.
I may ve guided her well and I hope you too are doing the same....
its was a pleasure to learn from her about you. I think very few of us have the knowledge and the art of persuasion blended together. In a detailed parley with her she revealed that we write poetry...
well things were getting common bet her friend whom she so adoringly calls her bro and me...i have been writng poems...i dont know what will u like aobut them...they are lost ships at the sea waiting to be anchored. I mean my peoms, bro.

Apart from this, i shared some names of books and tafsirs wof quran ul majid with her. She was very keen and inclined to embrace
May you further this with ur religious knowledge and guidance
Well ,hidayah comes from Allah and it rests in the hearts.
I will continue to guide her and may also suggest some books if you are willing to help me convert her
Once again this is no mulla or diehard religious fella here but i am religious and wish to enlighten people with the light of islam. I found a beacon in you too shining brightly by the harbour of worldly religions...

It may be so abrupt and sudden to jump in the middle...i ve never blogged b4....but i wish to b friends with you n go through your poems and share mine....
apart from this...if you tlak about the rest...i am in dubai, working, 32, male, al habtoor,
like adventure sports, biking, painting, cooking, sleeping, comparative study of religions, astronomy and ofcourse wirting short stories and poems...
Ok, I hope this doesnt make you yell at the blog space...just wishing to know you and wanting to share info on this likely person willing to convert
Allah haafiz

Cycleji said...

Mr.Mohammed it is a pleasure to see your benevolence and generosity toward humanity and religon.As you already put it in a correct term,we are not diehard religous mullas but as a muslim it is our responsibility to endorse our religon properly whenever needed.
I am not a poet or a professional writer.I write just to express my reverence for my motherland(kashmir) which i feel is more or less equally important as my religon.I write because i cannot cry.I write because this is the only way i can help my vale to comeout of bondage.
now,not causing you anymore headache let me jump to the point.This lady who calls herself as Hema singh is a well educated gurl with cool accent and gud vocab.we locked our horns for the first time when she was online participating in a debate on various religons.Trust me she was the center of attraction because like me everyone was taken aback by her yahoo ID(hindu_lesbian@yahoo.com).though i didnt try to throw any stone at her but she responded to one of my comment in a curious way.so that is where i draw the lay out of her picular character.
Putting the debate aside i began answering her quiries about islam and the role of woman in islam.I left no stone unturned,i suggested her few refrences and books about islam which i thought can help her to understand islam in a better and easy way.
Since i got busy to save my own sinking boat which was caught in whirlpools of a deep ocean called life,i cudnt be in constant touch with her.Even i had to put the brakes on my blogging.
Now as by the grace of almighty all the dark clouds have turned away and the approaching typhoon has changed its mind i am back on track.
At last i feel blessed to inform you that i am an eligible bachelor working with Emirates international bank in Auh.Writing is my permenant hobby and others keep on changing with age and time.
I would love to read more about you and your writings ofcourse.
Thanking you